Environmental Advisory Committee EAC

The Environmental Advisory Committee as an advisory body of the Township responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on plans and programs to promote the conservation of natural resources for the protection and improvement of the quality of the environment within East Fallowfield Township


The Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) members are as follows:

John Nielsen Term ending 12/31/2025
Teri Dickinson Term ending 12/31/2025
Tanner Burns Term ending 12/31/2025
Jeanne Berlin Term ending 12/31/2025
Charles Reed Term ending 12/31/2025
Paul Brenner Term ending 12/31/2025
Roger Mustalish Term ending 12/31/2025
Robert Diest Term ending 12/31/2025
Amy Troop Term ending 12/31/2025
Lauri Hyers Term ending 12/31/2025
Katja DiRado (alternate) Term ending 12/31/2025


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East Fallowfield Township

2264 Strasburg Road
East Fallowfield, PA  19320
610-384-7143 (fax)


Monday - Friday

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Note: The office lobby will be closed to the public on Fridays from Memorial Day through Labor Day

However, visitors can still use the outside drop box or contact us by phone


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