East Fallowfield Parks and Recreation Committee

About Parks and Recreation

Mission Statement:

The mission of East Fallowfield Parks and Recreation Committee is to enhance the interests and the quality of life of the residents of East Fallowfield Township, PA; providing safe, well-maintained parks and public places; preserving natural resources and open spaces; strengthening community bonds and providing quality programming for people of all ages.

Core Values:

  • Conservation of parks, open spaces, and wildlife habitats
  • Inclusiveness: creating, enhancing, expanding, and promoting diverse opportunities for the participation in and enjoyment of parks and recreation services
  • Stewardship: efficient and effective management of our park assets and stewardship of our parks/open spaces, and in turn, to sustain them for future  generations
  • Community Connections: promote quality of life, health, and well-being of our residents through a broad range of recreational activities.

Committee Members


Teri Dickinson


Vice Chairperson:

Clare Small-McEvoy


Recording Secretary:

Robin Barnes-Burdick


Voting Members:

Joyce Madding



Stephanie Scotton



Fred Weiss



Jennifer Wright



Park Use Fees - Facility Use Permit

Security Deposit: 

A separate security deposit of $100.00 is required for each reservation of the pavilion, informal field or other area of the Park and must accompany the application for permit.

Township residents and Township non-profit organizations:

$50 - Mondays through Thursdays 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Fridays through Sundays 8:00 AM to dusk (including Federal holidays; excluding days when Township sponsored events are scheduled)

No Charge - Mondays through Thursdays from 5:00 PM to dusk (including Federal holidays; excluding days when Township sponsored events are scheduled).

Non-profit organizations:  limited to two reservations per month.

Non-Township residents, non-Township non-profit organizations and all businesses:

$100.00 - Mondays through Sundays 8:00 am to dusk (including Federal holidays; excluding days when Township sponsored events are scheduled).

Informal Field Use Fees:

No use fee charged for informal play field or for other areas of the park.


Must accompany application. Make checks payable to "East Fallowfield Township".

Park Rules

Park Users: Please review and follow the Park Rules – to view the complete list of Park Rules, please click here. The Park Rules have been carefully established to help ensure the enjoyment of the Park by ALL users, to protect the health, safety and welfare of Park users, and to protect the natural resources and facilities of the Park. Please respect other users at all times. The Park Rules for use of the Township’s Park and recreation facilities are established by Township Ordinance and enforceable by law. Please be mindful of Park Rules, including the rule to do no harm to wildlife or plants, and the rule to keep dogs on leash and under control of the owner at all times.

Dog People! Let's Keep the Park Dog-Friendly

The Park Rules and Township Ordinance # 2012-01 clearly state:

  • Pets must be kept on a leash and under control of a responsible person at all times.
  • Pet owners are required to clean up after their pets and deposit any used pet waste bags in a trash receptacle. (Pet owners are encouraged to use pet waste bags provided in the park).

The Township is receiving increasing complaints regarding dog owners allowing dogs to run free in the Park. Please obey these simple Park rules so that dogs continue to be allowed in the Park and ALL users can feel comfortable and safe in the Park. Please clean-up after your dog/dogs - there are now 3 doggie stations in the Park,one at the gravel parking lot above the pone, one at the north end of the informal playfield, and one at Crossing Blvd. where the walking trail starts (off Rt. 82). Please use the trash cans provided (located by the three stations and elsewhere in the Park). Do NOT put the bags in the Port-A-Pottie. These and all Park Rules are enforceable by law with fines.

Field Guide to Wildlife in the Park

A field guide to wildlife in the East Fallowfield Community Park is available. It includes many interesting photos, facts and information about the natural resources in the Park. You can download it here.

Over 5 Miles of Trails in East Fallowfield Community Park

The weather is warming up and it’s a great time to come to East Fallowfield Community Park to try out over 5 miles of trails.  When you enter on Buck Run Road, you will be parked at the “Playing Field Loop”, a paved, ADA trail almost a half mile in length (.42 mile). As you pass by, be sure to check the postings at the Informational Kiosk built by Eagle Scout Ben Selin. Need a rest yet? Sit and watch the children play on the playground from one of the picnic table benches built by Chris Pearlberg for his Eagle project. Continue walking down the hill, winding your way to the beautiful pond.  This “Pond Trail” is also ADA, a combination of paved and mulched trail, adding another half mile (.48 miles). Picnic tables near the pond were the work of Eagle Scout Joe Becker.

After crossing the covered bridge over Dennis Run, built by Eagle Scout J. Hammond, you will find the “Mowed Meadow Trail” of over 1 mile (lower mowed trail, .47 mile ; upper mowed trail .60 mile). The lower trail takes you along the wood line.  You can stop for a break at the beautiful benches built as an Eagle project by Jeff Schaeffer.  For more of an adventurous trek, travel over the amazing twin bridges.  This ambitious Eagle project was the work of Kyle Martin.  Trails through the woods will lead you uphill to the park Fall-Out Shelter, restored by Eagle Scout Nick Massaro, and beyond.

If instead you chose to continue on the mowed trail, enjoying the sunshine, you will meet up with our “Newly Dedicated Trail” (west-side trail.) Completing this will add another 1.35 miles to your trip.  This walk is a mix of paved, gravel and grass trail; both hilly and flat.  It takes you behind the East Fallowfield Police Station (on Rt. 82), across Crossing Blvd. and behind the Brook Crossing development. It starts out in the open, but continues into the shady woods, past wetlands and a dam.  One section of this trail is steep- be sure to use the hand rail.  There are several wooded trails to link back to the pond trail or mowed trails.

While enjoying the trails in the park, please be sure to keep our park rules in mind.  The park is open dawn to dusk.  Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the park. Pets are welcome, but must be leashed and under control at all times. You must clean up after your pets- several ‘Doggie Stations’ are available along the loop. Bicycles are permitted only on paved and gravel trails. A complete list of the rules can be found on this website.

There is much flora and fauna to be seen- come prepared to identify them by purchasing “A Field Guide to Wildlife”- an identification guide written specifically for East Fallowfield Community Park.  The color pamphlet may be purchased at the Township Building for $3.00 (to cover printing charges), or downloaded for free at this site.

We hope you will take the time to explore the trails at East Fallowfield Community Park.  Enjoy!

Ongoing Park Improvements - Updates

How Far We’ve Come !!

Phase I of East Fallowfield Community Park was completed in 2010 and was funded by East Fallowfield Township, PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and the County of Chester. Improvements completed as part of Phase I included the paved trail, playground, paved parking lot, the rain gardens, and landscape plantings.

In 2010, the Park & Recreation Commission established a wonderful, mowed meadow walking trail through the meadow along Strasburg Road. The Park & Recreation Commission has also requested that the Township manage this land area along Strasburg Road as a meadow, rather than as a mowed lawn. This means the entire meadow will be mowed only a few times per year rather than every 10 days to 2 weeks. This will encourage a better wildlife habitat for songbirds and other small mammals. As the vegetation grows taller between mowings, when it is cut, it will be hayed and removed. The mowed walking trail is mowed frequently to maintain it as a comfortable walking environment for residents.

In 2010, the Park & Recreation Commission raised funds through donations from local residents and businesses to help fund construction of the Patriotic Landmark at the entrance to the Park. The Flagpole area serves as the focal point for the Park and shows respect and support of our Nation. The Park flies the American Flag, the Pennsylvania State flag, and the POW flag. The Landmark was built with private funds and grant funding from PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Residents and businesses purchased commemorative bricks that continues to be a permanent part of the Landmark.

Also in 2010, the Park & Recreation Commission had three old groundwater monitoring wells “abandoned in place” and their “stick up” pipes removed. These wells were installed several years ago as part of an environmental site assessment completed for the former Strunk Chain Saw manufacturing activities and prior to transfer of the park land to the Township. Fortunately, no underground contamination was found. The three wells created eyesores and mowing obstructions where they stuck up above the ground in the fields above the pond. The three wells were back-filled with grout in compliance with applicable well abandonment regulations and the above ground pipes were removed.

In 2011, the Park & Recreation Commission constructed the picnic pavilion and the wetlands footbridge at the pond. The pavilion has become a very popular addition for Park users and has served as the center of several Park events. It also added a very attractive feature to the landscape of the Park. The pavilion was constructed with funding from the Township and the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

The footbridge spans an area of expanding wetland between the woodlands and the pond. This footbridge was badly needed as the area of the former path continued to become increasingly wet and impassable. The elevated footbridge now allows Park users to easily traverse the wetland area and to stop along the way and enjoy the sights and sounds of the wetland, the pond, and the woodlands. The footbridge was funded by the Township and a grant from PECO.

In 2012 and 2013 efforts focused on applying for state and county grants for bridge and trail improvements. 2014 focused on the engineering design and specifications for the improvements, pursuing grant funding for a Park Stewardship and Vegetation/Habitat Management Plan, planning replacement of the 3 Park entrance and road-side signs, planning a new informational kiosk for the Lower Meadow Trail, and initial planning for the tree planting project to enhance the wetlands in the upper meadow, among other activities.

In 2015, the Park signs were replaced at the Park entrance (Buck Run Road) and at the corners of Strasburg Road and Buck Run Road and at Strasburg Road and Doe Run Roads. The Lower Meadow Trail bridge and improvements were made. Wetlands enhancements, tree planting, informational kiosk projects, and installation of additional bluebird boxes are planned, among other activities were completed.

In 2020, the Parks and Recreation Committee reconvened after a few years of inactivity. Restroom facilities were added in 2021 for the convenience of those using our Park. Improvements also included the construction of a new ADA accessible fishing pier by Eagle Scout Dylan Florschutz with funding provided by PECO. In 2022, a 'Little Free Library' was constructed and installed by Eagle Scout Joey Heffern.   In 2023, a second Little Library (meant to hold children's books since it is placed at a child-sized height) was constructed by Eagle Scout Hannah Lamb. In 2023, an automated external defibrillator device (AED) was installed and is located outside the bathrooms. A new park gazebo was installed in 2023. The gazebo provide a covered area for entertainers at summer concerts or for events needing relief from heat or rain.The current Parks and Rec Team are working hard to provide quality events for our residents. The Park and Rec Board now holds special events throughout the year- including a Summer Concert Series, Fourth of July parades, and a wellness event. 

If you have an idea for an event or  if you would like to volunteer to help us improve the Park, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

East Fallowfield Township

2264 Strasburg Road
East Fallowfield, PA  19320
610-384-7143 (fax)


Monday - Friday

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Note: The office lobby will be closed to the public on Fridays from Memorial Day through Labor Day

However, visitors can still use the outside drop box or contact us by phone


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