East Fallowfield Twp Emergency Preparedness
The mission of the East Fallowfield Township Department of Emergency Management is to preserve life and property through planning, preparation, and prevention. For questions on how to prepare for an emergency event contact the township office at 610.384.7144.
Township Emergency Management Officials
Emergency Management Coordinator / Deputy Fire Marshal – Tony Sirna – 610.633.7807
Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator / Fire Marshal – Jim Reagan – 610.633.7627
Emergency Phone Numbers
9 - 1 - 1 - To report any emergency
Call 9-1-1 to report a situation that requires the immediate response of Police, Fire, or Ambulance.
Do Not call 9-1-1- to report electric outages, ask when your power will be restored, for travel directions, weather information, or any other non-emergency.
Click on the icon to access the PECO Customer Service Outage web site.
Call 1.800.841.4141 to immediately report emergencies such as; gas leak, odors, pressure issues, a power outage, or a downed electric wire.
Click on the icon to access the Verizon service outage information web site.
Call 1.800.837.4966 to report service interruptions.
Click on the icon to access the Comcast service outage information web site.
Call 1.800.934.6489 to report service interruptions.
Non Emergency Phone Numbers and Social Media Links
East Fallowfield Township Police Department – 610.384.9163
East Fallowfield Township Public Works Department – 610.384.7144 Prompt 5
Township Facebook
Click the icon to access the Township Facebook page.
Stay Connected with Twitter
@CCDES - Chester County Dep. of Emergency Service
@RedCrossPhilly - American Red Cross Southeastern PA Chapter
@SalArmyPhilly - The Salvation Army Philadelphia
@FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
@NWS_MountHolly - National Weather Service PHiladelphia/Mount Holly
@CDCEmergency - Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
How To Be Ready For A Power Outage
The time to prepare for a power outage is before you find yourself in the dark. Click on the link below to find out what you can do to be ready when the lights go out.
Power Outage Information
Power Outages
Power outages can occur at any time. Click here and learn basic safety tips on what to do before, during, and after a power outage.
Chester County Flood Recovery Guide
Learn more about what to do in case of flood in the 2018 Chester County Flood Recovery Guide: Chester County Flood Recovery Guide.
Resident Preparedness
Being prepared for an emergency event is important for everyone. Chester County routinely experiences; severe storms, flooding, power outages, along with the potential for other types of events that could disrupt the daily life of township residents. Visit ready.gov and readypa.org for information on how you can prepare yourself and your family for an emergency event. Click on the icons below to visit those web sites.
Everyone has a role to play in preparing for an emergency. ReadyChesCo.org is a Chester County specific website to help residents obtain preparedness information. Click on ReadyChesCo.org to get started.
Smart911 is a service that saves critical time in an emergency by allowing resident-provided safety information to be shared with first responders. Residents can customize their profile to include any information they want the 9-1-1 call taker and first responders to have in the event of an emergency. The information you provide is private and cannot be viewed unless you place a 9-1-1 call, at which time the information will automatically be displayed to the 9-1-1 call taker. To create a safety profile click on the Smart911 icon or go to https://www.smart911.com/.
Text – To – 9-1-1
You can now send text messages to 9-1-1 if unable to make a voice call.
Text-to-9-1-1 will take longer to process than voice calls because of the back and forth messaging instead of instant voice communications.
- · Be brief
- · Do not use abbreviations
- · Do not use “texting” language
- · If the situation changes and you can make a voice call, let the telecommunicator know and then dial 9-1-1.
- · Text calls do not have the same location accuracy as voice calls.
- · Whenever possible, people should always call 9-1-1 instead of texting.
- · Texting isn’t a replacement for calling 9-1-1, it’s a less accurate alternative.
Turn Around – Don’t Drown – It’s The Law
Each year more deaths occur from flooding than any other severe weather hazard. Most people do not realize that six inches of fast-moving flood water can knock over an adult, and two feet of rushing water will carry away most vehicles, including pickups and SUVs. Pennsylvania is one of a growing number of states where you can be fined and ordered to pay expenses for ignoring Road Closure signs or barricades. Click the icon for additional information and safety tips.