East Fallowfield Board of Supervisors

Township Board of Supervisors

John Nielsen



John Nielsen was elected Supervisor in 2019 for a 6 year term beginning in 2020.  Term ends 12/31/2025. 
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Wilson T. Lambert Jr.

 Vice Chairman


Wilson T. Lambert Jr. was re-elected Supervisor in 2023 for a 6 year term beginning in 2024. Term ends 12/31/2029.
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Katja DiRado



Katja DiRado was elected Supervisor in 2019 for a 6 year term beginning in 2020.  Term ends 12/31/2025.
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Al Wright


  Al Wright was elected Supervisor in 2021 for a 6 year term beginning in 2022.  Term ends 12/31/2027.
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Mike Domboski



Mike Domboski was elected Supervisor in 2023 for a 6 year term beginning in 2024. Term ending 12/31/2029.

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Vacancy Board

Joe Heffern
Term ends 12/31/2025


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East Fallowfield Township

2264 Strasburg Road
East Fallowfield, PA  19320
610-384-7143 (fax)


Monday - Friday

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Note: The office lobby will be closed to the public on Fridays from Memorial Day through Labor Day

However, visitors can still use the outside drop box or contact us by phone


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