REMINDER - Environmental Advisory Council Meeting to be held tonight Thursday December 19, 2024 at 6:30PM.  The meeting will be held in person at the East Fallowfield  Township Municipal Building.

Environmental Advisory Council Meeting Agenda:

  1. Approval of November, 2024 EAC meeting minutes.
  2. Lawn to native meadow conversion, waiting to see if Corinne Trice of CCCD will accept new plot. Discussion.
  3. CCPC Zoom meeting on January 14 at 7 pm for CC EAC members to discuss best practices and priorities.
  4. Single Use Planet movie at Downingtown Library 1-2:30pm on January 21 with discussion to follow.  Presented by Katy Cook PA Food and Water Watch.
  5. Building Energy Efficiency Ordinance Toolkit Summary from CC & MC PSs.
  6. Old Business -2024 accomplishments
  7. New Business – 2025 Goals
  8. Adjourn. Happy Holidays!

East Fallowfield Township

2264 Strasburg Road
East Fallowfield, PA  19320
610-384-7143 (fax)


Monday - Friday

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Note: The office lobby will be closed to the public on Fridays from Memorial Day through Labor Day

However, visitors can still use the outside drop box or contact us by phone


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