East Fallowfield Building Codes and Enforcement

For ordinance, code enforcement or for zoning questions call the Township office at 610-384-7144 and ask for Rob McLarnon. Rob is available for phone calls or inspections on Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 8AM to 11AM.

If you would like to make a complaint regarding the Noise Ordinance (2008-02) or cars parked on the street, call the Police Department at 610-384-9163.

East Fallowfield Township

2264 Strasburg Road
East Fallowfield, PA  19320
610-384-7143 (fax)


Monday - Friday

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Note: The office lobby will be closed to the public on Fridays from Memorial Day through Labor Day

However, visitors can still use the outside drop box or contact us by phone


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