On December 10, 2024, the Township’s Board of Supervisors voted unanimously 5-0 to adopt the 2025 Township Budget, with no tax increase in the General Fund or Fire/EMS Fund. Despite ongoing inflationary pressures, 2025 will be the 7th consecutive year without a tax increase in the General Fund! The Real Estate Tax rate will remain at 2.0 mills in the General Fund and 1.75 mills in the Fire/EMS Fund. In addition, no fund balance is proposed as revenue in the General Fund. The annual trash fee will remain steady (no increase) at $450 in 2025.

"Township staff have once again prepared a budget that holds tax rates steady while maintaining the high quality of service our residents expect,” said Township Manager Scott Swichar. "Our staff and Board of Supervisors remains committed to fiscally responsible operations with the objective of remaining financially prepared for the future.”

A homeowner with a property assessed at the Township average of $132,084 would pay $495.32 in Township real estate taxes in 2025.  “While residents often express concerns about paying real estate taxes, East Fallowfield Township real estate taxes represent only 7% of the overall tax dollar,” stated Swichar. The Coatesville Area School District (CASD) collects 83% of the overall tax dollar and Chester County collects 10% of the overall tax dollar.  While receiving just 7% of the overall tax dollar, the Township provides many services and amenities enjoyed by residents of East Fallowfield, including 24x7 police protection and public safety; 24x7 Fire and ambulance protection, road and traffic paving/enhancements; parks and recreation facilities and community events.

The 2025 adopted budget continues to focus on improving township infrastructure and allocates funding for ongoing capital investments in the Township’s transportation system, community park, and municipal facilities. Upcoming projects include the installation of traffic calming measures on Newlinville Road, culvert and drainage improvements on Saw Mill Road, and replacement of the collapsed bridge on Saw Mill Road. The 2025 budget includes an extremely aggressive road paving program in order to keep roads safe and smooth. Improvements to the community park and playground have been budgeted as well.

Swichar stated at the December 10 meeting, that the Township continues to pursue grant funding opportunities (non-tax revenue) to help support these capital projects and rebuild the township's aging infrastructure in order to not burden the taxpayer.

The Township’s Board of Supervisors is also focused on public safety and improving efficiency and will continue to evaluate replacing the outdated and cramped police station and administration building with a new modern facility. The Township recently completed a feasibility study for a proposed municipal complex and will evaluate funding considerations in 2025.

The 2025 budget also includes free events for the public, such as the Township’s annual summer concert series at the park.  These concerts are a great opportunity for residents to get outside and interact with the community,” stated Swichar. The summer concert series is also 100% funded by local business support (sponsorship)

Click here to view the full version of the 2025 Adopted Township Budget

East Fallowfield Township

2264 Strasburg Road
East Fallowfield, PA  19320
610-384-7143 (fax)


Monday - Friday

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Note: The office lobby will be closed to the public on Fridays from Memorial Day through Labor Day

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